Resident Advisory Committee

Empowering residents with projects that enhance climate resilience, like rain gardens and energy-efficient initiatives, for a sustainable future.

Resident Advisory Committee

The McDougall-Hunt Resident Advisory Committee Initiative is a community-driven effort focused on developing climate resiliency projects within the neighborhood. Led by Detroit Future City, this committee brings together residents, local organizations, and stakeholders to identify and implement initiatives that will help the neighborhood better withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Through this initiative, the Resident Advisory Committee works collaboratively to identify the neighborhood's climate-related challenges, such as flooding, extreme heat, and air quality issues. The committee then develops and implements projects that address these challenges, focusing on building resilience and sustainability.

The committee may develop projects that include green infrastructure initiatives, such as rain gardens or permeable pavement, to help manage storm water and reduce flooding. Additionally, the committee may work on projects to improve energy efficiency, enhance green spaces, and promote community engagement and education around climate resiliency.

Overall, the McDougall-Hunt Resident Advisory Committee Initiative aims to empower residents to actively build a more climate-resilient and sustainable neighborhood. Through partnerships with Detroit Future City and other organizations, the committee creates a healthier, safer, and more resilient community for all residents.

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