Housing Rehab

Transforming a 3-plex at 2125 Theodore St. into affordable housing, enhancing community aesthetics and providing homes for low-income families.

Housing Rehab

In 2023, Bailey Park NDC received a generous donation of a property located at 2125 Theodore Street in the Poletown neighborhood, which is a neighboring community of McDougall-Hunt. This 3-plex property is slated for transformation into an affordable home rental property for low-income families. The project addresses the issue of vacant and deteriorating properties and will contribute significantly to the overall improvement of the neighborhood. Bailey Park NDC is committed to rehabbing the home and working closely with the residents to enhance the entire block by extending our services to benefit the community.

By rehabilitating vacant homes, Bailey Park NDC will play a vital role in creating affordable housing options that would otherwise be unavailable to low-income families. This effort represents a tangible solution that directly impacts the lives of those in need while also helping to reduce blight and enhance the overall aesthetics of the neighborhood. This project sets a positive precedent for future development and revitalization efforts by creating a more vibrant and welcoming community for all residents.

Bailey Park NDC's commitment extends beyond the rehabilitation of this property. By actively engaging with the residents and conducting beautification activities on the entire block, we aim to create a lasting impact beyond rehabbing the Theodore Street 3-plex. This holistic approach to community development ensures that our efforts have a wide-reaching and sustainable effect, benefiting not only the immediate residents but also the entire community.

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